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Feb 27 Update

Amy was sleeping when I left her tonight – I have that effect on people. In this case, she really needs sleep. She was awake most of last night. I left around 10:30, shortly after the neurologist told her that nothing else has gone wrong with her eyes today. Wonderful news! Earlier this afternoon the infectious disease doctor told her that the infection has subsided to the point where she no longer needs IV infusions of antibiotics: now she can take them by mouth. Her temp has fluctuated between 99 and 100 most of the day. The docs aren’t too concerned until she hits 100.5. God is clearly helping her physically.

May I give you three specific prayer requests? Amy’s blood pressure has been edging up again. One reason the docs want to check her heart is to see if she has developed a clotting abnormality, especially to make sure that she won’t be sending any clots out of her heart. She is being given blood thinner.

A second request is that God would give us wisdom about choosing a hospital. Amy’s primary doc wants to transfer her to the Emory University Hospital. Emory is a great hospital, but they pride themselves on doing their own testing, MRI’s, blood cultures, etc. I want Amy to be in the best facility, but I really hate to see her have to start this whole process all over again, and especially at Emory where she had such a negative experience previously. Tonight we prayed particularly that God would help Amy to be a witness for Him regardless of her location.

Finally, Amy is a great mom, and her heart is, and will always be, at home. But right now she desperately needs something to take her mind off everything that she is missing at home, and how empty her life would be if . . . . Tonight I off handedly suggested that her hypertension might be at least partially self-induced, to which she responded classically, “My head might be messed up, but my faith hasn’t wavered.” I agreed. But I am still praying that God will give her a mental diversion that will truly sooth her spirit. I love her mind, but it really needs to rest.

Please know that Amy has been THRILLED to hear from each of you. I check her blog 2-3 times each day and always call to tell her about everybody who has left a note. It means more than you can possibly imagine.



Anonymous said…
Can you tell us if Amy has a CD player in her room? Or access to an MP3 player? Does she enjoy audio books?
Sandi H said…
Will be praying specifically for each of those requests and will pass those on to our prayer chains. If I/we think of any brilliant ideas for diversionary tactics - will pass them on! Off hand - disect the presidential race; figure out how to bring about world peace, the long unanswered question of why dryers steal socks and ... oh, we're being serious! j/k! Not being coy - just trying to "divert"!Seriously, I will be praying and know that God has something bigger and better in store. Still praying for peace, healing, and wisdom for all of you and David - praying especially for you too!
So good to hear that things are a little "better". Will continue to pray, specifically for these things you mentioned.
Tell Amy she is constantly in my thoughts. I really wish we lived closer so we could do something.
Give Amy my love.
Mary Ellen said…
So happy to read that things are going better!

Remind Amy that the best thing she can do for her family is rest, really rest both physically and mentally, so she can get better and come home to the family she is worried about. It's hard for us Momma's to do that sometimes, we have a hard time being sick in the "right" way. "-)

How are the boys holding up in all of this?

All of you are in our thoughts and prayers so often throughout the day!
CHolden said…
Mr. Balty,

I'm sorry to hear that Amy is not well. Her testimony is a great encouragement to my wife and me. We will be praying for you.

I also want to thank you for the great impression you made on my life while I was enrolled at HSCA. Eighth grade seems like such a long time ago! I remember being very impressionable at that time and you were a great Christian example that I could look up to. I also remember after I got the perfect attendance award that my dad said that I was probably one of the students that you wished would stay home at least one day of the year!

By the way, I really enjoyed seeing pictures of your kids.Email me sometime when you have a chance so we can catch up. (You can link to my email from my blog.)
jenny said…
"My head may be messed up, but my faith has never wavered."

That will be my new goal to make that my personal testimony! Love that line!!!

With you in Christ, Amy!
Unknown said…
Dear Amy, I read this today with tears slowly trickling. I'm finding that even though I don't know you very well, you have touched my heart so deeply. I'm not just saying words here but you are truly ever in my constant prayers through the day. It's not just a once a day sort of prayer but rather when you come to mind I instantly begin praying again. I pray for you, David and your precious little guys too. And I pray for you to be able to rest in God's Hands.
Kimberly said…
I echo that you are constantly in our prayers! Praying for wisdom in these decisions and for shielding, protecting Peace for your spirits.
Rochelle said…
So happy to hear some answers to prayer!! I am continuing to pray for Amy often as she comes to mind frequently during my day!! I will also remember these specific requests. Give my love to Amy. Wish we all lived closer so we could help in some tangible way....of course prayer is what she most needs at this time anyway...
LindaJo49 said…
Hi, David -- Susan called me late last night and gave me the day's update ... wow, what a time! It took her about 20 minutes or so just to give the rundown of the some of the challenges of the day. Susan did share how encouraged she is by the school's support of you all -- the prayer chains, the dinners to be delivered, the care of the boys so you can visit Amy, etc. She just sent a text message that she had checked and Amy is undergoing the procedure right now. We are praying!! I know this move has been quite a change for your family but from the response we are hearing from the ELCA family, you have indeed found a special place in all their hearts! What you shared on the blog is so true about needing a diversion. I love Amy's sense of humor especially about the boys .. maybe she could dictate a book and include some of the funny things she has already shared with us. Do you have a mini-recorder? Just a thought -- I know I'd read it!! Tim still laughs about Seth telling his roofing crew to 'go away'!!! We are so glad our families have connected there and look forward to seeing you in a couple weeks!
Anonymous said…
Dear Amy,

Just remember there are no “if’s” in God’s world. My flesh does not understand why you must endure this physical burden but I know that it is for God’s purpose and His Glory. Once again we will see the mysterious power of His healing. There are a host of angels surrounding you and ministering to your every need.

Much Love,
Anonymous said…
Dear David and Amy,
I was so sorry to hear about your illness. I have not ceased in praying for you as you come to mind each day! I know it has been a difficult and very challenging time but want you to know that you are such a trooper! You are my inspiration, both of you! You are very special to my heart and I praise the Lord for His Hand on You at this time. We are continuing to pray for you every day!
Love and miss you so much!
Rochenda Crane said…

I must admit that I have not been keeping up with blogging recently...I have been busy having a baby! (Keaton in 3 weeks old today.) So I was not aware of what was going on in your life until just yesterday. I read through all the updating post and I will have to say when I got to the end of your Feb 26th post where you said “God gives and takes away, Blessed be the name of the Lord.” I just broke into sobs. I thought to myself “I don’t even know what to say”…and for anyone that knows me, that statement has just sent them into shock.

I have recently (well, during my pregnancy) come to the conclusion that God probably could not trust me with a major illness or circumstance where in the midst of all the trials I would say words, as you have, that inspire the masses in spite of what I am going through. I think God would say…”oh no, Rochenda’s discouraging the saints…better bring her on home”. I know I am being a bit light hearted, but please know I do not take your situation lightly. You will be in my prayers through out the day/days. But I did want to say how much your beautiful spirit has blessed my heart. And as I read down through some of your older post, you once again were the one to encourage me…The post you wrote on Feb 12 (my birthday) that quoted 1 Samual… "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us"…and then the hymn by Isaac Watts …How very true and fitting…

Our God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come,
Our shelter from the stormy blast,
And our eternal home.

Under the shadow of Thy throne
Thy saints have dwelt secure;
Sufficient is Thine arm alone,
And our defense is sure.

Our God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come,
Be Thou our guard while troubles last,
And our eternal home.

And so I use the words you spoke just weeks ago to encourage our hearts… “‘Hitherto the Lord has helped us’" Take heart, Believer! God has. God will.”

Amy, you are an amazing person…May God’s richest blessings, strength and healing be granted to you!

Love and prayers,
Twila G. said…
I am praying for you!! I was driving in my car today listening to the Newsboys sing, "Blessed be your name". The words really struck me..."Blessed be your name in a road marked with suffering, though there's pain in the offering blessed be your name. Every blessing you pour out I'll turn back to praise, when the darkness closes in still I will say Blessed be the name of the Lord." I am praising God that your faith has not wavered. You are an inspiration to me!!
Sharlyn said…
David and Amy,
I found Amy's blog through Mary Ellen's. I have been inspired by Amy's faith through the move, etc, and enjoy reading her thoughts. I am saddened by her illness. I will join you in prayer.
Your Sister in Christ,
I don't know you, but I have been lifting her and your family to the Lord. Thanks for the specific requests. We will wait for a good report. Rachel Going
Anonymous said…
David, we are praying for your three requests and that our Lord will continue to hold your whole family in His arms.
We are asking Him to touch Amy with His healing hands.
All of you are in our thoughts and prayers.
In Christ, gerald & pat
Dori Overman said…
Every day I hurry home from work to read an update. I love to see that God is working...we knew he would! I have lots of friends praying for you all. I have NO way of helping you with diversions as I would be in the same boat with her. Tell her that I love her and I keep picturing her peacefully in the palm of Gods hands.
Anonymous said…
David and Amy,
My thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through this. Although I don't know you, Amy, I knew David at BMI, and still treasure my memories of his kindness to me then.

I would suggest you not spend too much time trying to figure out the lesson God is trying to teach you. Remember the story of Job and how it wasn't Job God was teaching a lesson to, it was the enemy.

Books on tape are a wonderful diversion. has a good selection you can download to an MP3.

Thanks for the specific ways we can pray. That helps us. We will be praying.

Kelly said…
I am constantly thinking about you guys and wishing I could come visit!! Give Amy a big hug for me Mr. Balty. I will definitely be keeping all these things in my prayers for you guys. Keep us posted.
Anonymous said…
Just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. How difficult it must be for you to depend on others to care for your precious boys. I have been reminded in the last year that God's love for our children is infinitely larger than our own- wrap your head around that one:)! It is beautiful to see how well He is caring for yours. I pray that you will find rest as you leave them in His loving care.
Trusting God for your healing!
Victoria Englund
Joyce said…
I just found Amy's spot yesterday via someone else's blog....I am praying for her and going to send this out to my friends as well. I understand her concern for the children being a Mother myself..remind her that the most important thing is "AMY" right now.
You all hang in there.
We will see what GOD is up to and I am sure it's all good.
Be blessed,
Shaun said…
Amy - So glad to hear that you are doing some better. We will continue to pray for you - as a Mom, I can only imagine the angst you feel at being away from the boys. What a comfort to know that they are being well cared for!! I have told my parents and Angela about your situation and know that they are praying too! Love - Shaun Witter
LindaJo49 said…
David, Susan sent a text later called me to let me know Amy's procedure had gone well today. While we couldn't talk long due to schedules, I was so encouraged by that update!!
UL Cards Fan said…
Dear Amy, As an RN I know that a hospital is not a place that is conducive to rest . We professionals seem to pop in just as you have drifted off with another intrusive procedure. My prayer is that you will feel GOD's peace and healing presence and rest will come easily. Although I now work in an Adolescent Medicine clinic , I previously worked at the UK Medical Center and like Emory it is a large teaching hospital and that can sometimes be intimidating with all the students, residents and attending physicians. On the other hand, large teaching hospital are usually on the forefront of the latest medical developments. I will concentrate my prayer effort on God's leading you to the Hospital that He feels will be best for your situation. Glad your fever has gone down. Love, LINDA

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