So, maybe I will. Or maybe I won't.
I want to-- I do. I want to start writing again, but will I? Can I?
I started this blog so many years ago. My boys were so young and well, so was I. But as Facebook became more prominent, I started writing less here and more there. But that has grown so wearisome. So many ads. So little satisfaction.
Our lives have changed a lot since I last wrote.
My oldest son is engaged. Yes, I am getting a DAUGHTER. All that testosterone, only to be rewarded by estrogen. Glory be! And if that is not enough for 2022, he is also graduating from law school. It'll be nice to have a lawyer in the family. You know, to help me get out of all the scrapes I get myself in. haha
Our middler is halfway through college and is currently in a relationship with adventure. Adventure takes a lot of time (and money) and just doesn't seem to leave enough room for girls. At least not seriously. But, he's only 21 so I haven't lost all hope.
And, can you believe my baby is a senior?? Oh, the pain that brings my heart! He's planning to major in Chemistry with all the intentions of going to medical school.
So that leaves Dr. B and me.
We will be celebrating 30 years of marriage this summer. I am so thankful for the gift of him.
That is a very brief synopsis. I'll try to be back. I spend about 10 hours a day as a student myself these days, but this may be just the catharsis I need.
Until then.