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Follow The Signs!

We had heard so much about “Atlanta” traffic that one the of biggest issues was choosing a house near the school in our price range. We are so fortunate to live only 2 miles from the school-especially this morning.

The morning routine began smoothly. Zachary likes to be sung to as he awakes (I hope his wife can carry a tune) so I began my little performance. Seth sang too but thought singing, “ tickle, tickle, tickle” might produce more results. It did, in fact. Check.

Samuel is usually the first up and dressed and ready to go(sometimes by 6 AM). Check.

Seth rides in his jammies. Check.

Lunches, backpacks and time to pray at the table before we walked out the door, 10 minutes early because David had called at 6-ish and said that traffic from the interstate had been detoured to the three lane state highway next to our subdivision. Check.

I knew it was a problem as soon as I pulled on to highway 42. We sat. And sat. And sat some more.

Samuel suggested that maybe we should start honking the horn. “It won’t any good.” I sighed. “Well,” he countered, “could we get in the other lane and pretend that we’re an ambulance?” Uh. Don’t think so.

But I was getting steamed. Zoom. Zoom. Cars zipping past us, while I politely stayed in the right lane because the signs CLEARLY say that the LEFT LANE WILL END. These cars zoom up and then signal those of us—who politely follow the signs—to let them in.

We finally crept up to an intersection and sure enough, blink, blink, blink, the guy beside me wants to move over into MY space.

What to do? I have a bold Eagles Landing Christian Academy (ELCA) on my gas cover, and I don’t have a fish emblem on this van, or do I? So I swallowed my irritation (and pride) and let him in.

Our 2-mile drive took 50 minutes. My kids were pitifully late.

I’m taking off that ELCA emblem today.

Do you ever find that you want to drive "in the flesh" and "not in the spirit?"


Anonymous said…
I am so sorry. I must admit that in the morning it is so nice having the kids ride the bus because if I had to take them we would probably be late every morning. Trust you day is going better. We are praying for you. Junia
LindaJo49 said…
Wow!! Since I do have an inkling of the lovely Atlanta traffic, I can appreciate this! What a description! And loved your boys' comments!! I'm sure others were late, too, weren't they? Michael doesn't necessarily run early so wonder if he made it on time!!
Twila G. said…
Ok, I'm trying to be a more transparent person so I'll admit (cringe) that I'm one of those people who has often yielded to the temptation to get in the fast lane then cut back in when I'm ready. I really do try to be a good driver most of the time, but I don't dare put anything on my car that associates me with Christ or anything else for that matter. I get distracted very easily......I guess you could say I drive in the flesh. Ouch.
Unknown said…
I'm relieved that only 4 of us get frustrated on the freeway!

Junia didn't admit to anything but I happen to KNOW what happens when she doesn't follow the signs (joking!)I'm just thankful she was hurt in the experience.

I have first hand experience of riding with Twila/Jehu. Aggressive, yes, I would say that. I prayed for my life many years ago on a trip to the airport.

Oh, this is my blog where I am trying to be transparent not tell on my friends!!!
Mary Ellen said…
I became a much more agressive drive when I lived in NY and close to the city - now that I'm back here I've returned to more normal driving - but as all Floridians know...we can all get a little nuts when we see drivers that represent two little words...SNOW BIRDS!!!

Loved your sons ambulance idea - too cute!
Mary Ellen said…
make DRIVER instead of drive. "-)
Niall MacC said…
"drive in the flesh..." Very funny!! Well done for sticking to God's guns!!
Unknown said…
Maccarthaigh Family, I am certain that you are my first comment "from the other side of the pond!" :-) Welcome to my blog.
Rachel said…
Don't you just love when your day starts upside down? I always have to wonder what could have happened if the roadblock would not have been there. God has an interesting way sometimes of protecting us from what is unknown to us.
Unknown said…
Rachel--Good point!

Junia--I meant I was thankful you didn't get hurt!!!

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