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How Much More

I tend to frequent offices that are usually occupied by folks over 65 -- urologist, a gastroenterologist—or any other “ist” who finds a way to investigate inside the human body. (Compliments of Seth’s birth). While I waited today, Seth spotted another “grandma” to whom he profusely declared his love while also charming other waiting patients.

Seth was equally delightful when I consulted with the doctor, who determined that the acute abdominal pain that visits me on occasion is actually small bowel obstructions. “He must be worth all of this, isn’t he?” She asked.

I’m pain free (for) now and Seth was charming, so of course I answered in the affirmative. But the truth is that even when I am overwhelmed with pain, I still wouldn’t trade this precious little boy –when he is delightful or even when is naughty --for a healthy body.

I was reminded of Romans 5:7-9. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him!

All I offer is a sacrifice of suffering while delighting in my son. God gave His son—and spared not His life—to redeem me in my most iniquitous state. Parental love is powerful but so much more is the love of God.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for such a great reminder of Gods love for us. I am so sorry for you with all of the pain that you have to go through but absolutely love hearing all of the antics of Seth. Wish we could see you.
Twila G. said…
Thanks for this beautiful post. You are such an inspiration.
LindaJo49 said…
I always enjoy your thoughts on your cute little guy!! I'll be in Atlanta this weekend so will give you a call! Maybe I'll get a chance to see the little guy again .. wonder if he'll ask again, "What's this?" You gotta love him!!! And what memories -- that you will remind him of when he is about 18!
Kelli said…
What a wonderful post, Amy! Your little guy sounds so sweet! Thank you for sharing your Belsnickle tradition with me, how fun!
Mary Ellen said…
Perhaps God has allowed you to be in those offices so your adorable Seth can touch some elderly ladies heart and be a blessing to them - looks like, if that is the case, He picked the right little boy for the job. "-)
jenny said…
Thanks for making me pause to marvel the enormous sacrifice of God has made for us. When you put it in that perspective, as a mom, that really got to me.

So sorry to hear you've been hurting...."how much more?"...I think you meant it in reference to Seth...but I also have to wonder how much YOU can take. Praying for a really healthy Christmas season for you!
Rachel said…
I'm praying for you and wishing you'll a wonderful, healthy Christmas. I always enjoy your post so much. God has definately brought this little guy in your life so he can share his love with others, you will probably never know what a difference he makes in some Grandma's day.
Anonymous said…
As always Amy, I am behind in reading the blogs, but as I sat hear catching up on yours, listening to your beautiful music and reading your words, my tears just flowed. There are some situations in your life I can't relate too, but there are some that I most definitely can and I want you to know that your blogs are always meaningful to me and sometimes I rejoice with you and sometimes I cry with you. I, for one, have the upmost respect for you and want you to know that even in the midst of your pain, God is using it to touch others.

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