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Good Friends Are Hard to Come By

Where do you find friends who are willing to drive 6 hours with three kids to come HELP us paint our new house?

This summer our friends from Louisville, Erick and Junia Hall, came to Georgia and helped us add trim boards and paint! What a blessing they were to us!

Our kids got along beautifully.

So well, in fact, that their youngest daughter has decided that she should come live with us since she and Samuel do not fight (evidently she was having a bad day with her brothers).

We would consider an arranged marriage but after dicussing their strong personalities--we think that it might not be a match to last--but aren't they too cute?

Thanks for being such great friends!

For another great picture of Jericka and Samuel see Junia's blog.


Sandi H said…
It is a great to have frinds like that! When we moved almost 2 years ago, our friends insisted that there was no reason to rent a uhaul - they could take care of it. So 3 trucks and 4 vans and about 25 or so people later - we finally unloaded the last bit of it. Our new neighbor (across the street) just stood at the end of his driveway and watched us. Tim finally went to say hello and introduce ourselves. He only looked at Tim and said "Exactly HOW MANY people are moving in?!". We still laugh about it today but it was a great conversation started with many of our neighbors who told us that they didn't know you could have friends like that?! Sad commentary on today's society!Glad that we have friends that will be there through good and bad (and messy!).
Anonymous said…
Amy, we had a blast getting to come see you and help where we could. We appreciate your friendship. Although we still really miss you here in Louisville it gives us a good reason to travel south for vacation. Thanks for the great memories. Jericka is still saying that she is moving to GA.
Laura ☃ said…
Good to see your pictures flowing.
Anonymous said…
Hi! I know you do not know me, but I am Debbie (Stalker) Fike and I attended Union Bible College with Junia and Eric! It was so good to see their pictures on your blog. :) Could you please tell Junia I said hello and I've been wondering where she is? I live in Syracuse, NY so I'm a ways away.

Love your blog!
Unknown said…
Hi Debbie! Thanks for visiting!

Junia has a page off my's called "Pooky's Page." You can see pictures of her kiddos, etc. She doesn't write as often as I'd like! :-)

Thanks again for the comment--it's like getting a note from someone -- a delightful surprise!

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