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March 4, 2008

It is so good to be home!

My mind has written an update several times but sometimes my thoughts were too jumbled to be written articulately. Most importantly, I wanted to express how deeply grateful I am to each of you for your prayers and written support. David or my sister would read your comments to me and they brought me so much comfort in some of the darkest hours. It was such a surprise to hear from friends from years ago.

I have shed alot of tears and just when I thought I couldn't possibly cry again...another torrent would follow. Being home has helped alot. Just being with my precious boys has brought alot of comfort. The hospital didn't allow children under age 12 to visit but they did make an exception for short visits.

One of the most difficult decisions that was made was to place Seth in preschool 5 days a week from 8-12. The school offered this to us at no expense and since my health is still tenuous, it is the best decision...and my head knows this but my heart hurts. Yesterday morning when everyone left at the same time and I heard the soft thud of the door...I had never felt so lonely!

The school support has been simply overwhelming! From preschool for Seth to free lunches for Zach and Samuel and meals that arrive every evening for dinner...groceries that appear mysteriously in David's room to gift cards that are unsigned...I could go on and on but God has expressed His love in such a tangible way that has us totally humbled and amazed.

I followed up with the retinal specialist today. This was important for several reasons. One, I have felt that the vision in my left eye has continued to worsen over this week. At this point, I can only see large images but no detail. (It is probably similar to someone who has severe macular degeration). I also wanted to be certain of a clear diagnosis and finally to avoid a bacterial infection which can happen if the infection "seeds" in the eye.

I left with such thankfulness to God. My right eye, which you and I have prayed that God would keep safely in His palm, is doing great! In fact, the doctor said that the areas of damage are disappearing! Thank you, God! Last week the doctor never mentioned that those spots would ever go away!

My left eye did worsen over the week but there is edema and a fluid-filled cyst in my retina, which the doctor feels will decrease. This is in an area that is very close to my central vision field and he thinks that some of my vision will return. He said that it will never be normal and there are definite areas of permanent damage but the fact that I might gain a small portion gives me great hope and I am thankful. And the "floaters" that drive me nuts right now will eventually settle or my brain will learn to ignore them.

I do have a couple of areas in the left eye where there are "white spots," which the doctor will watch for bacterial infection. He does not think that this will happen but will require antibiotic shots in the eye if it does! (Certainly hoping NOT!)

For those (if any) who are medically interested, these strokes were caused by the bacterial infection in my blood, which coagulated with my own immune system. This was not thought to be cardiac in nature.

My family has told me that many of you blogged about my situation on your personal blog. I am deeply humbled and grateful for your call to prayer. I have been asked if after what I have been through (my near death after the birth of Seth almost 4 years ago,etc) if I have asked, "why me?" I have not. So many families endure much more hardship! However when my sister read me a portion of a book by Sheila Walsh, The Heartache No One Sees, I'll admit I could relate: Ms. Walsh says one of the most difficult things to do in times of crisis is to go for comfort to the One who could have prevented it from happening in the first place.

I don't understand why God permitted this storm but for now I am trying to focus on praise. The song that comes to my mind most frequently is that by Casting Crowns, I'll Praise You In The Storm.

I was sure by now, God that you would have reached down
and wiped our tears away,
stepped in and saved the day.
But once again, I say amen
and it's still raining
as the thunder rolls
I barely hear you whisper though the rain,
"I'm with you."
and as your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away.

And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I'll praise you in this storm.

So, tonight, my dear readers, thank you for you prayers.

I am still very weak from the blood loss and have at least 2 more procedures to go through before the month is out. Please continue to pray for my healing but pray that God will give me a spirit of praise in the midst of this storm.


Twila G. said…
So glad to hear about your right eye doing so well. Still praying for a miracle in your left one!! I believe God is going to bless you immeasurably for your sacrifice of praise.
Mary Ellen said…
As so often happen when I read what you have written...I have goosebumps.

What wonderful news about your eye - always encouraging when God answers prayer with a "yes!"

I'm so glad you are home and also so happy to read that so many are doing so much for you and your family - lifting some of the daily burden as you rest and recover.
UL Cards Fan said…
Dear Amy, I am so thankful for your progress and God's healing hand on you. I love the words of the Casting Crown song and it has comforted me also in times of trials. I will continue to pray for your complete healing. Love, LINDA
Unknown said…
It was such a treat to hear from you this morning! My heart has been touched in many ways and I feel praise oozing and overflowing for you this day.

It's such a joy knowing others are there caring for you and your family. God is so good and I'm so thankful He uses others to minister to us.

May you continue to get the rest that you need and I'm giving God praise for keeping you nestled in the palm of "His Almighty Hand".

Love And Prayers,

Anonymous said…
It is such a blessing to read how God has been using so many people to help you, David and boys. That is certainly an answer to prayer in the midst of all of this. I was so thankful to hear the wonderful news about your right eye. God is good!
Sweet Amy-

I am so grateful to our faithful God for sustaining you in this storm. We are still praying for you as well as others in East Tennessee!

As a mom, and just having put my children in a preschool program for my bed rest, I can really relate to how it feels when the house is empty and you actually hear the ice maker in the fridge and the loneliness hits.

I send love and will be praying for your continued healing!

My heart rejoices with you in praise. Your life has reached so many people because of the storms you have handled so gracefully. You are such a wonderful woman, Amy!!!!
Dori Overman said…
Dearest Amy,
I was so blessed to sit down to my computer this morning and see you posting again! Your spirit is just amazing. The quote from Sheila Walsh is especially poignant (sp?) I also know how hard it is to have all your babies in school. Keep us updated on your retianl specialist visit.
Amy, I felt such a mixture of happiness, sadness and thankfulness while reading your post.
I am so happy that you are home, that the Lord has touched you and I believe He will continue to do so.
I felt sadness because I so understand about how difficult it is to put your little one in
pre-school when you aren't ready and you feel life is upside down right now.
I feel such thankfulness that things are getting somewhat better and that your eye is better and that you have so many people surrounding you with love, prayers, meals and help.
You and your life has touched so many people Amy.
You are a true inspiriation to so many Amy and you will continue to be. I will continue to pray.
Rochelle said…
Amy it is wonderful to have you back on here again. Praise God for the small encouraging steps 'forward' in your health. So glad to hear your right eye has improved! And I'm praying that the left one will as well!!!
carla said…
I was so encouraged to read your update. God is good. We are praying for you and your family.
Anonymous said…
Dear Amy,
What wonderful answers to prayer! I am truly blessed, encouraged and challenged as I read your messages! You are deeply missed here and always thought of by each of us in this home.
God is so good and so faithful!
I, too, have been so encouraged by the words of that song by Casting Crowns!
Keep that beautiful chin up! We love you!
Anonymous said…
A few years ago, Jeff and I lost our fourth child to miscarriage. I'll never forget laying in my bed knowing in my heart that He had taken my child home and wondering where he was. I felt so alone. Not knowing what else to do, I began to sing songs of praise and worship throughout this experience. I've found over time, that this is often the way other children of God have responded to crises in their lives as well - many to experiences so much worse than mine. And you know, He WAS there! A year later, He brought a final healing to my heart through the words of Natalie Grant's song "Held" and the subsequent conception and birth of our third son, Camen. What joy he has brought to our lives. I am praying that God will not only bring back your emotional and physical healing. That he will bring back your joy!
Still held!
Laura ☃ said…
There is so much to learn from you! I remember yelling at God last week in anger for things in my life asking why why why, not understanding the reasons to things, (funny the DS spoke on yelling at God on Sunday), but you have such an awesome & unblaming heart for God. I hope Seth will enjoy preschool...and that you will have a speedy recovery all of us will be praising God for. It is so good to see you blogging again!
jenny said…
So sorry I missed this post before calling...but it was SO good to hear your voice. I, too, love that song. I first heard it at the funeral of a dear friend's younger brother (who was a freshman at Calvin college studying to be a youth minister). Like you, he had great faith under adversity. I will think of you both, now, when I listen to that cd.

Amy, please remember to, rest, REST!!! I know this is totally contrary to your nature but please let others do the taking care of you.

One of my friends who was praying for you up here commented how moved she was by hearing the song "I Will Be Here" playing in the background those days you were in the hospital. How moving and fitting.

Amy, David, Zachary, Samuel and are daily uplifted to our Father.
Kimberly said…
Oh good to hear YOUR voice this evening...truly grateful that you are our fellow traveler here in blogdom:) We are enriched by your life and your spirit. You and your husband and your sweet boys are in our prayers in these days of transition, learning, and adjusting...and trusting for better days ahead.
Carrie Grubbs said…
So happy that things are going better for you! You have been in my prayers often and will continue to be.
God wants to work in our lives in bigger ways than we can even imagine!
Anonymous said…
If you do not have it, check out the album "Remedy" by the David Crowder Band. It is wonderful (just like all their albums!). Your situation and the lyrics you cite by Casting Crowns made me think of the song "You Never Let Go" off the Remedy album. Here are the lyrics:

When clouds veil sun
And disaster comes
Oh, my soul
Oh, my soul
When waters rise
And hope takes flight
Oh, my soul
Oh, my soul
Oh, my soul

Ever faithful
Ever true
You I know
You never let go
You never let go
You never let go
You never let go

When clouds brought rain
And disaster came
Oh, my soul
Oh, my soul
When waters rose
And hope had flown
Oh, my soul
Oh, my soul
Oh, my soul

Oh, my soul
Oh, what love, oh, what love
Oh, my soul
Fills with hope
Perfect love that never lets go

Oh, what love, oh what love
Oh, what love, oh what love
In joy and pain
In sun and rain
You're the same
Oh, You never let go

I am encouraged that you know that He never lets go of you. Rest in His arms even when you feel weak and lonely. You and your family remain in my prayers.
Michelle said…
I am so glad that you are home and praise God for your stabilizing condition. You are still in my prayers.
Anonymous said…
I don't think I have ever met you before; however, I feel like I have gotten to know you over the past couple weeks through your blog. I was reading The Busy Bishop’s blog where Dorcas said to pray for you and all you were going through. She referred to your blog, so I came over and started reading. I just started my own blog recently and my first post was about lighthouses God brings into our lives to shed light to show us the finest treasures He has for us. He also brings the lighthouse to allow us to show us the finest treasures He has given us before which we allowed to become tarnished by the “waves of life.” In reading your blog it sounds like He brought a lighthouse to you too. I say you too, because due to your blog mentioning the things you stated you have taken for granted due to having perfect vision it brought a lighthouse to me. I had forgotten how quickly things, like our eyesight, can be taken from us and how important things like scripture memorization are. It is important we use these fine treasures, like eyesight, that God has given us to do things, like memorization, and not allow them to tarnish by taking them for granted. Thank you for being a blessing and a lighthouse to me through your blog. I know through you God has shown me I too have been taking things for granted. Thank you for your willingness to be honest about this in your blog. I know God is in control of your situation and He has a plan and wonderful reason for this all happening to you. It might not feel like that, but He does. It might only be to help me, a stranger to you (but not to Him). I have been and will continue to whisper a prayer for you whenever you come to mind. Thank you again for being a lighthouse to me!
LaRona said…
Rejoicing in your joy...continuing to lift you in prayer.
Much love,
Allen & LaRona
I'm thankful that you are home with your family! And trusting that the upcoming procedures will go smoothly. May God continue to hold you in the palm of HIS hand. Take care, friend!
Mary Miller said…
Dear Amy, I was thrilled to hear you went home. You are an amazing woman. Your faith inspires me. Yes, we will praise God in the storms of life.I know how hard it was for you to let Seth go to school.I'm sure he is missing mommy too. He is a wonderful little guy. God is good. God is faithful through all of our storms in life. We love you guys.

Mary & Steve
Danielle said…
Carole is one of my best friends and has been giving me updates.

I felt I needed to come and give you my good wishes and add my prayers.

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