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April 6

Approximately 6 weeks ago, the boys were beginning winter break and while some of their classmates had trips planned to exotic places, I had a long list of things to do...right here at home. We really needed to FINISH the landscaping around our house before the growing season began. I also had a couple of other huge projects but as you all know, it didn't turn out like we had planned. The day before and day that I got sick, I laid 250 feet of landscape paper, planted about 12 new shrubs, and laid 35 bags of mulch. I felt fantastic...little did I know...

If I would have known, I hope I would have chosen to toss the list and play more!

Sigh. Where to start? I was improving in overall strength and stamina but have had a difficult week. This "setback," my medically-knowledgeable friend, Twila, thinks is due to the withdrawal effects of Prednisone. So hopefully, I won't always feel like I woke up in the body of an 80 year old! :-)

I saw the Retinal Specialist again this week. I was able to read most of the chart at 20/30 with my left eye (I read at 20/400 right after the stroke). So we are praising the Lord for this. However, my overall vision in that eye has more distortion. Makes no sense to any of us!

I am scheduled to have the stent removed one week from Tuesday and am apprehensive, of course. The doctor plans to remove the stent and try to remove the stone that he believes caused the obstruction that ultimately lead to the infection and then to the stroke! He plans to admit me on Monday, the 14th, to begin IV antibiotics prior to the procedure to hopefully reduce the chance of a repeat episode of sepsis.The eye doctor does not believe that I am at an increased risk of another stroke unless I get infection in my bloodstream again.

The boys are on spring break this week and it will be wonderful to have them at home! I have missed Seth terribly since he was put in preschool. Please pray for a healthy week for me so that I can really enjoy them and we can have some quality time together. I have NO home projects planned!

Last week I read 3 books!!! I don't think that I have ever appreciated being able to read so much. I have not been able to read since my stroke and it was pure delightful!

I cannot express what your notes and prayers meant to me at such a dark time. Thank-you!

P.S. Shaun Witter, please email me! (edited: Thanks, Shaun!)


Anonymous said…
Hi Amy! I've enjoyed your last few posts of pictures. It's so hard to believe that Seth is 4! Talk to you soon!
UL Cards Fan said…
Dear Amy,
I am praying for a wonderful week for you and your family as you take a break from school and just enjoy each other. I am confident that God's hand will be with your surgeon next week. On a lighter note, since you have been dealing with such serious issues I'm sure you have not kept up with our CARDS but we went to the elite 8 and lost to North Carolina but we can be PROUD of out team and coach. GO CARDS. Love, LINDA
Kimberly said…
I'll be praying for you! Also aware of how just a moment can change our "lists" of plans...but it's so clear that you focus on the most important!
Still thinking of you and praying for you. Love,Rachel
Amy- your landscaping looks beautiful!!! Still praying for you and having people ask about "my friend in GA" :). lots of love!
Twila G. said…
Your house is so pretty. The flowers are beautiful. Hang in there girl. Praying you feel better soon!
jenny said…
Thinking of you so much today Amy!! Praying for peace today and for your upcoming surgery in the morning.

Thought of you singing this song this week:
"When thro fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply."
Anonymous said…
I'm not sure what time you go to the hospital this morning, so you might not get this till later, but I wanted you to know that I was thinking of you this morning and praying for you. I hope you had a fun-filled week with your family. Love you girl!
Anonymous said…
Hello Amy! You have a beautiful family and I would love to meet them. I was reading your blog, you have been through alot but God has brought you through. You were one of the strongest people I knew in high school. I am praying for you and your family. May God bless you richly.

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