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Are You "Sick" of this yet??

Last Friday I had the urinary stent removed from my surgery 10 days ago. It was an uncomfortable but not a terrible experience. I was very blessed to have my sister here for both occasions!

I had a 2 shots of strong antibitoics before the procedure and am still on an oral antibiotic as well. The doctor has some concern that the issue is two-fold: the stone that was removed (thank you, Jesus) but also some unusual anatomy from scar tissue. I will have more tests ordered to determine the certainty probably next week. I am embarassed to ask for anymore prayer for a "normal" renal scan, but if it comes to your mind, I would appreciate it.

David is wonderful at stepping "in" and doing whatever and whenever is needed in our home but I am struggling with a lot of guilt--and want so desperately to just be able to meet the needs of my husband and boys! We are tentatively planning to bring Seth home from preschool for at least 2 days this week. I miss him SO much!


Dori Overman said…
You will be in my prayers. I understand the guilt fully but know that God gave us wonderful Godly men who are willing to do whatever we need. It was no accident, just thank God for your husband and take care of yourself for now so that you can take care of all of your guys later!
Love you!
You are in my prayers. Love,Rachel
Laura ☃ said…
I really enjoyed being able to look through your pictures & catching up on your blog. Girl to girl, I don't remember the name of the book with the woman who irritated me by telling us what we had to do for our men, but...put the book on hold & let David pamper you for a few more days. It will do you all more good than harm. Pick little goals & say by this date I'll be doing this with the house, & by this date i'll do this, & by this date I hope to have things back to whatever normal is. After my trip to the ER a week ago, I sat, cried, then relaxed, let Mike take over, went against everything nursing school taught me & went off ALL my meds (NOT recommending that), prayed, prayed & prayed, gave it to God...I am almost fully recovered from the last 12 weeks of sickness. It is never too much to ask for prayer.
I loved seeing the pictures & can't wait to see you guys again. Let us know when you want a little girl competition to outnumber the boys! Miss you. Laura
I know how you feel from being on bedrest. I love how God has given me the mothering instincts and how I love to care for my home, but it too is hard when I cannot. I will pray for you in that area and for your tests.

You all need to come see us if you are in the area and can stop in!!! I know we will probably have a newborn. Do you need a place to stay?
Kimberly said…
Please don't feel are guilty of nothing but alot of love!
Again, so jealous of St. Simon's!:)
I have several older Steve and Annie tapes so if those lyrics are on there, I'll let you know. Prayers and Blessings!
Rochelle said…
No...we're not "sick" of this yet! You'll be in my prayers Amy! So glad you had a nice time away at St. Simon's (I've always wanted to go there!) Also glad you'll have you're little man home with you some extra time for this week. ENJOY!
Unknown said…

How sweet of you to think of us but we are going to be staying at a hotel. We could never impose on you as such a wonderful family time...with a newborn! We are going to a family renunion (with David's parents) on Saturday. BUT we should be up again and then I would love to make plans to see you!
Rachel said…
I'm glad that you are feeling somewhat better, you are in my prayers. It looks like you'll had a wonderful time on vacation.
LindaJo49 said…
I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and to seeing your little guy again! We made a 'golden memory' the day I first met him and will never forget his question, "What's this?" (Private joke, huh??)

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