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Heading Home

14 years ago, David and I were in the process of moving from Florida (where David had taught 8th grade for 1 year at Hobe Sound) to Indiana, Pennsylvania for David to begin grad school. Leaving our belongings in Pennsylvania (we were still unsure of where we would be living) we drove to Illinois to see David's parents. Over lunch, the conversation led to places like the Black Hills and Rocky Mountains. When David's dad discovered that I had never been there, he was determined that we should go--the next day.

14 years and 3 boys later, here we were in the same places (sans the Rocky Mountains) we had visited then. With age comes perspective, I guess, but the awareness and uncertain future of Don's health, gave to us a sense of clinging to each present moment and yet, in the midst of that, looking back into time. And I'm not sure any of us were ready to return. Because to return was to re-enter reality and another bone marrow biopsy for Don.

In spite, our trip back was fun. A couple of hours out of Rapid City, is Wall, SD. Purchased in the 1930's by a young druggist wanting to own his own store, Wall Drug had too few prescriptions to fill, and the druggist and his wife were struggling to make ends meet. Until they began to give away free ice water. It might not seem like much now, but before the days of air-conditioned vehicles, imagine the delight of cold water, while driving across the hot prairie! Their ingenious idea is now a tourist trap that draws people from everywhere (and they still give away water!).

Our next destination (notice I didn't use the word stop--see earlier post)was Lexington, Nebraska to eat with Glenda's bother and sister-in-law, Duane and Jerri Garton. We had the privilege of seeing them just last year at the Balty's 50th wedding anniversary, and it was great to see them again! Glenda's brother, Duane, reminds me so much of David's grandpa Garton, a quiet, soft-spoken man, I am so glad that I got to know before God called him home.

(Uncle Duane and Glenda with Seth)

more to come


Amy said…
Amy Hi,
That is so neat that you have an almost 8 year old too, and so close to the date of my daughter.

I was blog surffing and I was on a blog called Mussings by Amy and your link was on there, I liked the title of your blog and I went there.

I like it too when I get to meet someone new with similar interests.

I have a sister in law who lives in Georgia too!

Rochelle said…
Enjoying the narrative of your trip & the pics both! What a great time you all have had! i would love to do a cross country driving trip like that!
jenny said…
We drive right past Wall Drug every time we go to Tom's folks and have never stopped, yet. I guess it has never timed out right with our "bottom spanking" stops...but we haven't tried the trip with Isaac yet (I think he'll break all records for # of stops)!

We always get excited when we start seeing signs for Wall Drug because we know we are officially moving into "the west."

What I really want to do on our next trip out is stop at DeSmet, South Dakota to do the Little House on the Prairie.
Sandi H said…
I totally remember going to Wall Drug on one of our family vacations - I think I was maybe 12 or 13 on that trip. But soo much fun - in a totally cheesy kind of way - they really do sell almost anything and everything! Great memories - and I am sure that it will be fond memories of this trip for all of you. You can't put a price tag on that!
Anonymous said…
Love the photo of your "littlest engineer"! So glad you had a wonderful summer.
Victoria E.

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