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Is It Too Late to Learn Flexibility?

When I began seeking the advice of "veteran" home schooling moms, two words kept being repeated. "Be flexible." Sounds so easy. But naturally, flexibility and I do not go hand-in-hand. I love schedules. I like to make schedules. I like to cross out things that have been accomplished---you get the idea.

So, my Friday "schedule" goes something like this. Get up by 5:30 and make and eat breakfast with David. Shower, get dressed, put on make-up (thank goodness for that, it hides a multitude of imperfections). If the boys are not up by 7Am, wake them, they make their beds, shower, and then they have breakfast. Then we do piano before I take Zachary to His Masters Voice (HMV), a 70 voice concert choir that consists of other home-schooled children grades 6-12. While Zach is at HMV I run to Kroger to pick up any sale items. Then I come home fix lunch and do the rest of my grocery shopping at Wal-Mart after lunch. Are you tired yet? Maybe bored, I don't blame you.

Ahhh, but my point was flexibility. My schedule this morning flowed normally until about 10 AM when I began to experience symptoms that reminded me a lot of those that I had 6 months ago. I knew better than to put off going to the doctor this time (although I did get Zach to HMV on time), and he confirmed what I suspected, another kidney stone! This one is half the size of the last and should not need medical intervention! A CAT scan will confirm the beginning of next week.

With the last one I suffered agonizing pain every 3 months until it progressed to about every 4-6 weeks and was eventually removed. I have never had a child without anesthesia but I am told that the pain of a kidney stone is similar to childbirth. I'm thinking that not even the mother-of-the-year would want to have that kind of pain every 4-6 weeks, but maybe it's just me. So I am hoping and praying for an quick uneventful passing and flexibility, that doesn't have to be always learned the hard way!


Dori Overman said…
I"ll be praying for you Amy!
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry that you are dealing with that again. I'll be praying! Love you!
Bless your heart, Amy!!! I pray for a quick "passing." My neighbor across the street gets horrible kidney stones, and her urologist recommended to her to drink a quart of water every day with some fresh lemon juice added. That has seemed to help her, but she was getting them numerous times a year.
LaRona said…
Oh, Amy! I'll be praying...often
Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness Amy, I trust that you are able get over this without much pain. We will be praying for you. I wish I was closer to help with the boys. Love and miss you!!!
LindaJo49 said…
I'll be praying for you!!
Mary Ellen said…
Ugh, I sure hope this one goes away very quickly! I enjoyed catching up on your last few blogs - I have no doubt you are doing a fantabulous job!!!
Lisa said…
Hi Amy! My name is Lisa Boardman and I know your husbands parents very well. My husband Phil and I used to live in the Quad Cities back in 1995 and attended Coal Valley church. That is where I (not Phil) met Bro. and Sis. Balty for the first time...just wonderful people. My husbands brother and family, Steve and Luann Boardman have been friends with them for a long time now. I understand their health is failing and hope you could give our love to them. We seen them last about 2-3 yrs ago while visiting with family there. Anyway, it is nice to meet you, even if it is through blogging!!! :) Hope you get to feeling better, I also have three boys and homeschool...I know the challenges. :)
I'll check back in!
amy said…
Thnaks to all of you for your prayers and well wishes. So far so terms of pain but no progress. So we'll see.

Thanks for the water idea...I am trying to do better in that regard!
Amanda said…
Amy, our family will remember you tonight in our family devotions. I am sorry you are having to deal w/ something like this again..
Kimberly said…
Hoping you're feeling better!
For me, being flexible is a choice (not natural)and can be practiced and improved upon...but maybe never conquered!:)

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