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That’s the number of students that David has taught in his teaching career to date.

Quite a number for someone whose Grandma said, "You’re just like my cousin. Everybody liked him but he didn’t amount to much." Maybe this was just an off-the-cuff response to another witty comment given by David. No one can know for certain. But, in reality if David taught only English to his students–that wouldn’t be much. Not in the perspective of eternity.

He keeps in regular contact with many of his students who have gone on to finish college, graduate school, and begin impressive careers. But his passion for teaching comes from letters like this, written to me:

"I was one of your husbands' students at Whitefield (I graduated in 2005). I wanted you to know that I count your husband's influence on my life as one of the biggest blessings. I don't know if he ever really knew what a mess my home life was. Your husband always encouraged me, but more than that he was a constant example of Christ's love for me (as he was for all of his students). I was on the edge of some pretty rotten stuff in high school and I want you to know that God used your husband to remind me of Christ's presence in my life. I am now married and I have recently welcomed our first baby girl into the world...we are striving to raise her in a Christ centered home...please tell your husband I appreciate him..."

David is humbled by such letters. Recently, though, it has given me pause to think about my own life.

God has not given me the opportunity to impact hundreds of lives, much less thousands. And yet, as each new day dawns, I have another opportunity to influence what I have been given: my three sons. And I wonder, will they, like their daddy, inspire scores of others to pursue a closer walk with God?

Recently, when I opened Seth’s grimy little hands to wash them, I pondered. What will these hands do? Will God use them to remodel bones that have been broken…as God has utilized the expertise of many hands to initiate healing in him...

My middle born, always anxious to forge ahead, tenacious but compassionate: the mind of an engineer with a love for maps. Could this heart be so filled with tenderness that he travels thousands of miles to build churches in places that have none...

I’ve contemplated the witty and articulate ways of our firstborn, gifted with hiding God’s Word in His heart. Will he follow in the steps of his father...

I have no idea what God has planned for our boys. But I have a renewed perspective when I teach them. No doubt my daily influence on three will expand, because whether for good or evil, they will, in turn, influence others. The reality of this statement startles me. May God help me be consistantly pursuing Godliness so that my sons will influence the Kingdom of heaven, no matter their placement.

I don't know if the inhabitants of heaven are aware of these earthen vessels, but if they are,Grandma is proud of David. He is investing in eternity.


Sharlyn said…
Thanks for the great reminder. We will never know our full influence until we get to Heaven--but it's nice to catch a glimpse occasionally!
jenny said…
Motherhood is an enormous sphere of influence...I needed your beautiful reminder friend!
Mary Ellen said…
Great blog Amy.

I so sincerely believe that for me there is no higher calling then what I am doing right now - being a wife and Mommy. Sometimes in the mundane it's easy to feel, well...mundane...but then I put it into perspective by realizing that every single thing I do right does matter - whether it's teaching someone to be kind, to be polite, the right way to clean up, etc. It is all having an impact on my children, which is exactly what I am supposed to be doing!

As always, I loved reading your thoughts.
Lisa said…
Wonderfully said Amy...I'm one of those mothers too that wants to walk so careful before the Lord as I raise our three sons. Thanks for that reminder!
Getting back with ya about the geography fair(s)question. I refer to these kind of events as a "after school project." We stick to our lessons for the day, per subject class, and work on these sort of things as an extracurricular activity. :)
julie f said…
This was beautiful! I need reminders like this often. When Claire was just a few weeks old and I was feeling guilty that I wasn't doing more to help in the Chilren's program at church, an older lady kindly reminded me that I am in the process of developing six little people who can then be helpers for Jesus. It is always good to refocus on what our calling is at this time in our lives. Thank you!!!
Unknown said…
Thanks to all of your for your response. I worried that I rambled in this post and that point wasn't clear. But it obviously was clear to you and I am grateful. I am sure David's mom was dubious as to David's outcome--when he was till getting a spanking a day! lol So this post was meant to be an encouragement to those of us who wonder...:)
LindaJo49 said…
While I haven't known David before, I know that Michael really appreciates him. And as I have heard, David followed a very beloved teacher. So, it makes me respect him even more!

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