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If you’ve been to the gym to work out, you know that someone very fit in clothes very conforming to their body, will give you a free analysis. They may measure you, weigh you, tell you what percentage of weight that is fat and then tell you how much YOU should lose, then proceed to kill you by “teaching” you how to use the machines and/or free weights.

When Joyce told me that according to her measurements and my height I should weigh 95 pounds, I just about croaked. I was only 98 pounds when I got married at age 22 and I have since had three kids. I wanted to grab that little clip board from her and see if there were hidden deductions…kind of like taxes where you "get" more when you have more kids.

That was several years ago, while we were still in KY, and despite that fact that I worked out faithfully, my weight seemed pretty stable at 108. But over the last couple of years, I have watched the scales changing. First 110, 112, and before we left for the summer vacation, I weighed in at 117 and almost all of my clothes were snug…and I am not talking about spandex-snug like Joyce.

So, I started on a diet. Basically, I hate diets because I prefer to do most all of my eating after my boys go to bed—and this is NOT recommended on any plan that I could find. I love TGI Friday’s potato skin potato chips and I couldn’t find a diet that suggested those either or any of my other favorites: hot and sour soup, Reese Peanut Butter Cups, etc.

So reluctantly, I gave it up. All of it. And today I am .5 pounds away from goal #1. I plan to keep working toward goal #2 of 95 pounds, so I can go back to KY in my spandex and look up Joyce. On second thought…no spandex. I am not sure I could find any to match my newly sprouting spider veins.


jenny said…
Amy, that's wonderful! I know what hard, hard work that involves. Personally, you know that I have always felt you looked great...but it is wonderful to reach goal weight (although it feels very unattainable at times). I just started regularly working out again and am down 8.2 lbs (don't forget the .2)
....with a long ways to go.
that is great, Amy!!!! I am way too embarrassed to post my weight.. who knows what Ms. Joyce would say about me. :)
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amy said…
Dear Jenny and Brooke, I have many truly beautiful friends, but both of you are SO beautiful that your inward beauty just makes your outward beauty so much more obvious! The fact that you are willing to share in my moment of happiness just makes me even more aware of how selfless you are! have a young baby! And still have a toddler. Me? Well both of you know how old my youngest is...I had no more excuses!
Michelle said…
Wow, that is wonderful. I used to weigh high school. That was my weight on my first driver's license. Oh well. I did get back to about 110 when I lived in Italy and walked everywhere. Now, well lets just say that my 1 year olds weight has been added to mine. I am little only 5 feet tall and have never been told to be that small. How tall are you may I ask?

amy said…

So good to hear from you! I love to see the pictures of your boys. They are absloutely adorable and I mean it--like magazine adorable. I'd be surprised if had never been contacted somewhere along the way about that...

I am probably about your height exactly. My bone structure is very small. My wrist is only 5.4 inches...that was another factor in determining what my weight "should" be.
Amanda said…
PleASE tell me what to do! I'll do anything (well, except give up my coffee and soda) to get back down to where I was 5 years ago. I would need to loose 25 lbs. UGH.. I am so imbarrased. *sigh* *long sigh*. Nothing fits me anymore.. and.. my self-esteem went out the door with the scales! at any rate: Good for you Amy! It makes you feel so much better when you see those kinds of accomplishments!
Amanda said…
oh, sorry to post again, but I'm about the same as you, a little taller. my wrist is 5.5" as well. Don't you hate a watch that won't fit!
Amy, you go girl!!! I am so happy for you and so proud of you too. It takes a lot of hard work, self discipline and determination to do this. I have always thought you were a beautiful person, inside and out. Congratulations on almost reaching that first goal, and whether you reach that final goal or not, don't stress yourself out about it, because you will flucuate between a few pounds all the time. Love ya!
Unknown said…
Amanda, I am going to try to email directly too.

I found found that what is successful for both my husband and me ie cutting carbs. Unless you diet'd have to stop that, BUT the progress you'd see would be worth it! I love pasta, chocolate, and lots of other things but I am not even tempted to digress--even for a birthday cake--in a few days. :-)

My SIL and many others have had significant success on weight watchers but tht just wasn't for us. But it might be for you.

No matter the plan you choose, choose something YOU can live with. For me, I can have carbs around ( cook pasta and bake goodies for my kids, etc)and it doesn't bother me. But that might be difficult for you...

So, think long term. Choose...and GO FOR IT!!!

Email me if you have specific questions about my plan...
Michelle said…
Amy, I just went upstairs and measured my wrist. 5.75 inches. I am impressed that you have gotten so healthy. Now, if I could just get back to 110, I would be great.
The Yates' said…
I do not know if you know who I am but I found your blog through Jessi merediths.
I was one of your husbands students at Whitefield (I graduated in 2005). I wanted you to know that I count your husbands influence on my life as one of the biggest blessings, I dont know if he ever really knew what a mess my home life was. Your husband always encouraged me, but more then that he was a constant example of Chrits love for me (as he was for all of his students)... I was on the edge of some pretty rotten stuff in highschool and I want you to know that God used your husband to remind me of Christs presence in my life.
I am now married and my husband and I have recently welcomed our first baby girl into the world... we are striving to raise her in a Christ centered home... please tell your husband I appreciate him... your family is beautiful, God bless!
***if it helps him remember me my maiden name was Buchwald***
Unknown said…
To David's student: Thank you so much for your sweet comment. Nothing gives David greater pleasure than to hear of how he has influenced for Christ, the lives of his students! I left a personal message for you at your blog.
Mary Ellen said…
Go Amy! NEVER would have thought of you as someone who needed to loose weight however. But always happy to see someone reach a personal goal, especially one that involves getting healthier!
Anonymous said…
I don't think I'll ever see that number again. :-) Lucky you! We need to talk again soon! Lots to catch up on. Hmmm.... I think I'm disabled... this is the third time I've tried to post this and I obviously can't read :-)
Laura ☃ said…
Amy~Well we talked yesterday, but I am proud of your persistence. The ability to say no as opposed to the "ill make up for it later" or "today's my free day" is a strength. Good job. P.s. Now about the haircut you were wanting...your hair in that pic of you & Zachary is sooo pretty like that. I've never seen it that long on you! Live up being beautiful girl.
Way to go girl. That's amazing. xo rachel
Anonymous said…
You now weigh less than my 9 year old daughter!! But, I should add that she is 5 ft. tall! I'm 6 ft. tall, so I passed 100 lbs back in 5th grade! However, you should be proud of yourself.

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