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Stone Mountain Park

October 4th had been reserved on our calendar for several weeks; we were planning to meet our Sunday School class at Stone Mountain Park in the evening for the Laser Show.

But since we have annual passes--that we really love--we decided to go up earlier in the day to see the Fall Festivities.
Some of our favorites are riding the cable car to the top and down, riding the train, and the 4D theater. There is so much to do, that we try to fit in something different each time we go.

And for me, this time instead of buying fudge, I just longed for some!
I'm not sure I'll ever do that again! Some fudge and a Pumpkin Spice Latte would have made me so happy.

But it wouldn't have lasted long anyway...

Having always had a flu shot for the last 8 years (when mommas's not happy, nobody...), I got my annual shot on Friday afternoon, and gave it no thought. By Saturday night during the laser show with Seth, sitting restlessly on my lap, I noticed that my arm was really sore. The achy feeling continued, but by 4 AM, the next morning, I had the flu! I was feverish, hurt everywhere, and felt horrible. My arm, at the injection site, was hugely swollen and very red.

After another trip to the doc and some steroids, I am much better. Has anyone ever had a reaction from the flu? Gotten the flu from the shot? Or do I still hold first place for scientific human anomaly?


Anonymous said…
Mmmm....that fudge looks absolutely wonderful. I'm not sure how you resisted. I love, love, love fudge! I wish I was good at making it. Although then I'm sure my hips would be wider than they already are. Can't have that.
Lisa said…
Love your blog layout Amy! Looks like you all had a fun day...sorry about your arm...that happened to me also. :(

Have a great day!
Twila G. said…
Amy, I'm so sorry about your arm. How do these things happen to you?! I can't even remember the last time I saw a reaction like that. I hope those steroids are starting to kick in. Hey I think you should have had at least 10 pieces of fudge and several lattes!!! Then I wouldn't feel so undisciplined :) Just kidding. I'm proud of your self-control! Wow! I use any excuse I can to splurge...umm I'm having a good day, I'm having a bad day, whatever it takes.. :)
Lisa said…
Hey Amy! Wanted to get back with you on your question. I felt like I had the flu, but it was only the feeling...I never came down with it. And, no I have not had another one yet...maybe I will again this winter season.

We went to the Zoo today with our homeschooling group, so sorry it took a while to get back with ya!

Keep in touch...have a good evening!
Valerie said…
Sorry that you got sick at the end of your special family day. There is nothing worse than having mommy sick! And about the fudge, although it looked wonderful, sounded wonderful, and you regretted not having any, the positive side of that is...having had a reaction to the flu shot, perhaps the fudge would have made you sick to your stomach as well as all the other symptoms.:):) Just trying to be positive!:)So glad that you were able to get something from the Dr. to make you feel better.
The Yates' said…
WOW your arm looks awful, I cant imagine being sick with THREE boys to take care of! Ofcourse you can use "my story" for anything you email is feel free to email me with further questions if necessary! BTW we wanted a girl SOOO badly but were SHOCKED when thats what the ultrasound said... one of the first questions I asked after she arrived was "is it really a girl?" I could not believe it!

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