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Prayer Request

Update, Evening May 6
Don was extremely fatigued tonight when David spoke to him. His appetite is poor. The doctor this afternoon is uncertain as to the cause of the fevers, really just speculated at this point.

It is my understanding that his doctor told him this morning that with no further intervention (chemo) he could expect to live only 2 weeks.

However, his health is so precarious that even more chemo could cause his condition to decline quickly and cause death as a complication...He did decide to accept more chemo. His pic line should be inserted tomorrow and hopefully, the chemo will begin too.

David's sister, Lisa, is with them, and is a great source of strength. Our hearts are there but we long to be there in body too.

It is our desire to see him again while he is still lucid, but David's obligations prevent us from leaving just yet. David is rapidly putting lesson plans together for the next two weeks, so we will be free to leave. The school is extremely supportive --almost encouraging David to go while there is still time.

Many of you, my readers, have walked a journey of pain and loss, that we can only imagine right now. Thank you for your prayers and support. David and I found comfort in the words of Judy Brown written to us today, "Stay close ... say alot of "I love yous" ... and I promise this ... God DOES give grace ... one moment at a time."

Since many of you who read my blog are well aquainted with our family, I am asking if you will remember to pray for the Balty's today. We found out last week that David's dad's leukemia has returned, after a remission of about 3 months. Don is running fevers of about 103, has some mild confusion and at the last call had a very low blood pressure.

He had a bone marrow biopsy yesterday and we were hoping that he could sustain one more round of Mylotarg, which could possibly give another remission, although perhaps shorter.

Please pray for us, too, for wisdom, to know when is the right time to travel.


I am so sorry to hear that Amy, and I will lift you all up to Him in my prayers.
Anonymous said…
Amy,We'll be praying for wisdom and peace.
Mary Ellen said…
I was praying for your family last night when I was doing dishes, and will continue to do so.
Donna said…
Dear David and Amy,

I'm so sorry! I have so many sweet memories with your parents. My thoughts are with you and yours. Much Love!
Kimberly said…
So sorry..will pray.

On a much less important note, don't stop blogging!!, just stop watching the sitemeter...i find that works for me!:)
iva welton said…
Ok I confess I'm one of the ones that look at your blog without identifying myself. I was reading on Lisa's blog how it was creeping you out. Sorry I just like to look at blogs without responding. I'm not much of a writer. I went to school with Chis and Carol and know your husband from when I was a kid. His grandparents went to my Dad's church. I was very close to them. I enjoyed the pictures from your trip this summer. The pictures brought back memories of when I stayed with the Gartners one summer for a week. What do you do in that little town for a week but eat all their candy and shuck a lot of corn. Praying that God will touch your father in-law.
Iva Welton
jenny said…
So sorry to read this Amy. Many prayers for all of you...I wish there was some way to ease the pain.
Unknown said…
Thanks to all of you for your prayers.

Iva! It is good to hear from you. Thanks for writing. David's grandparents were really special, I am so glad that I got to know them before they passed away.

Some of my favorite memories were going to David's parent's for the holidays and all the grandparents were there. What fun we had!

You're right, not much to do in that small KS town, that's for certain. David has said he played basketball by the hours. It was such a bittersweet time this summer...walking down memory lane with David's parents.

I really enjoyed the pictures from Lisa's get-away with you. You look great!
Anonymous said…
Hi Amy! So sorry to hear this about David's Dad. We'll keep all of you in our prayers. Lots of love to all of you! ~Dorcas
Dori Overman said…
I will be praying for all of you. For peace and grace and strength.
Love Dori
Lisa said…
Thinking of you all Amy...Lisa
So sorry to hear about David's father! Please know you all are being remembered to our Father!!
Twila G. said…
So sorry to hear about this. I will be praying for you all. 2 Thess. 3:16 "May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you."
LindaJo49 said…
We will certainly be praying .. for all of you and especially for safe travel as you drive.
Amy- I will put you on my fridge to pray for you guys as you travel and for David's dad and for the Balty family. Much love!
Unknown said…
There is no way to adequately express how grateful I am to each of you for your prayers. I had very limited access and/or availability to write while I was away but I read each of your notes and took heart in your thoughtfulness and prayers! Much love!

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