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When we decided to homeschool, I was certain that I wanted to be involved in a homeschool community. The boys would need interaction with other boys. I needed it. The boys would need field trips. I needed it. The boys would need co-op classes. I needed it. Did I mention that I needed it?

But never before had I been judged by the number of children that I did NOT have or the size of my uterus (obviously not flourishing, in my case). I distinctly remember sitting week after week in a room that was visibly growing smaller and smaller by expanding pregnant bellies and terminology that I was simply ignorant of until I was simply crowded out.

So I really was uncertain of whether to attend the first meeting of our county homeschool chapter. Maybe "belonging" to a homeschool group was just not for me.

I arrived with my usual punctuality and saw only ONE conversion van. And much to my relief, other moms like myself, who wanted to discuss curriculum, how to make homeschooling more effective, or field trips. NO discussion as how to add one more car seat to an already full 8 passenger van or how to begin nursing a child already weaned after a new baby is born.

That was the day I met Gina. We (I) began talking and didn’t stop. She seemed so “normal” and when I walked outside and saw her Mustang, I was certain! Our friendship blossomed over emails, spinach-feta croissants, and latte’s.

It was over a 5-hour coffee that she invited me to a Ladies Conference hosted by her church. A Southern tea complete with an 1880's fashion show. Oh, what fun!
But did I mention the subject of the conference?


Dori Overman said…
Amy, Just so you know...THREE is the PERFECT number of children. Aren't you glad I know that and shared my certainty with you? LOL
w2wkb said…
Well, I'm glad to know what you'll be thinking of us when the twin arrive! :-)
Lisa said…
Three is perfect!!! :) I would love to see you in action...I know you must do a fantastic job homeschooling and in all you do!
Mary Ellen said…
I'm so glad you not only found what you were looking for but more importantly you found what you NEEDED!!!
Anonymous said…
Oh Amy, I just read this...I'm so thankful God knows just what we need and at just the right time. I am so blessed to have you as my friend.
Twila G. said…
I've missed your posts. Glad you're back and things are working out!
Ruth MacC said…
hi Amy, the world is full of all sorts of people. That's the way God made us. We won't all fit in to certain groups. I think that is why there are so many diferences in Churches around the world. I like structure (something i lack a lot of)and am a bit conservative and the Church God placed me into suits me perfectly.

I am very glad you have a confidant/friend. H schooling here in Ireland is not popular and it isn't east to find people for me to chat to about our lifestyle.

God bless.

Kimberly said…
3 = not flourishing?..good grief!!
As an only child...and with no children (yet) myself, I say heaven help us!! (Keep me in your prayers:)

Soo happy you've connected with a new friend...certainly a blessing.
Cara said…

I had to smile when I read your post. I am part of a wonderful homeschool community, but I have to say that I have come across some views/beliefs that have surprised--nay, shocked me! And I consider myself quite open-minded! But each to their own. I have learned that there is no one right way of doing things--each family has to find their own path with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Amy, this is such an amazing posting. I'm so thankful for our 3 children and I thank God constantly for giving us the blessing of having them in our home. Thank you for sharing.
jenny said…
I love, love, love big families. If we had cable I'd have a really hard time not watching all the shows about them...a lot! As it is, I try to motivate myself to get to the YMCA knowing at certain times I mightt see them there while's sort of the carrot that dangles before my nose.

But at the same time, I have SO felt the exact pressure you describe. It's made me try to analyze my own conversations and friendships in light of including diverse people...not just always looking to hook up with someone who will amen my every thought.

That said, there is nothing like making a new friend who "gets" you, especially after a big move. It's light at the end of the tunnel.
Valerie said…
I miss your blogging! Much Love
Ruth MacC said…
Hi Amy, just wondering how you are getting on with your hime schooling? I have been teaching my sone for a few years now andwe have both been enjoying it, however, Lord willling he will be going to secondary school in a year and a half so there will be big changes then!
Happy New Year.

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