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Works For Me Wednesday

I have learned so much by listening to and observing what works for other moms. A great site that I read most of the time -- especially Wednesdays -- is What Works For Me Wednesdays, at Rocks In My Dryer. It gives many great ideas.

I always feel like I need to be tutored rather than tutor but thought I might chime in a time or two when something that I use is really helpful!

I use a Family Organizer by Amy Knapp. I started using this particular organizer in July 2006, and I LOVE it! The planner lasts for 18 months. Desperate to begin planning for 2008, I picked one up yesterday (you may puchase them at Wal-Mart for $10.86).

Our family has a relatively simple schedule, but when I add in doctor appointments, basketball practice, speech therapy, etc., I simply cannot remember it all! This really helps me stay on track PLUS it has a menu column beside each day. When I plan my week, I can plan my menu around the plans of the day. For example, if I know that I have an appointment, Samuel has speech therapy in the afternoon and then basketball practice in the evening, I'll plan a very simple dinner. This organizer also has a detachable column for a grocery list.

This planner definitely works for me! For more tips head over to Rocks In My Dryer. You'll defintely find something that works for you!


Brandi said…
Thanks for commenting.
I didn't even know there was a generic brand, but since the real stuff has worked so well, I would be afraid to try anything else!!

I think after 6 months of living in AZ, I still didn't feel settled. Finding a wonderful church home has made a huge difference,and God has also blessed me with a new friend, which has helped tremendously!

I hope things get better for you--it is a terrible feeling to feel miserabl in a new place!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the tip! I'm going to look for one. 13 days to Christmas...yikes!!
Ronnica said…
Thanks for coming by. That's an awful story (about the Walmart cashier). While this is a stressful time of year for them, there are somethings beyond excuse!

I've never found a cashier that was as good as me (haha, can you just hear the pride?) and am constantly rebagging my items! There's also been a time or too since I've worked there that I've had to tell them how to do a certain thing...
jenny said…
I always need help in the area of organization...but I love January and the promise of fresh starts, new campaigns to embark on, and definitely a lot of spaces/areas in need of some new methods of organization! I will definitely check this out at Wally World.

How are you feeling?
Kelli said…
This planner sounds wonderful and affordable too! I like to keep things written down too, otherwise I'd be in big trouble! LOL
Laura ☃ said…
I just found the one that I bought last year...wish I had've used it. I might have to ask Santa for a current one to help me this year.
Good hearing about your life again :)
Rachel said…
Thanks for the organization tip. I keep a monthly calendar on the fridge for my work schedule, doctor appointments, practice schedules, ect. I love the idea of the menu column and detachable shopping list. We will be praying for you regarding your upcoming surgery. Merry Christmas to you'll.
ElderClan said…

I was reading Amy’s Humble Musings and saw your comment on moving to GA and being without a church home yet. This may be a long shot as I don’t know where in GA you live (although I saw you went to Stone Mtn. and we live very close to there) and I also don’t know what kind of church you are looking for, BUT we live in GA and attend a small reformed, family integrated church in Lawrenceville. We would love to have you visit and hopefully we will make you feel at home. The website for the church is . Again, we would love to have you visit.

Unknown said…
Kim, would you please email me at a c balty "at" bellsouth "dot" net?
Remove spaces (of course) :-) I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks to all of you for stopping by. This entry set a record for my little blog--almost 200 hits in one day!

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