I didn't watch all of the election results come in last night but I still couldn't sleep and barely choked down some breakfast this morning...I want to go back to bed. I want to cover my head and hide...cower...might be a better word.
I want to stop wondering how people who call themselves Christians can vote in a such a Godless way. I don't want to think anymore about how the Bible says implicitly that we cannot serve God and money, and yet it appears that as an American nation, we have chosen money...or the promise of it.
I want my own attitude and actions to be gracious and reflect the love of Christ but I'm fearful and struggling. I have found some comfort in the words of Beth Moore, written yesterday prior to the election on Living Proof :
*God "works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will" and "according to the plan." Ephesians 1:11
*Not only does God work out everything in conformity with His will, He has promised to work out everything for the GOOD of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
*God sets up kings and deposes them and gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. Daniel 2:21
*We, the beautifully diverse family of God, are never - not at any time - powerless. Nor are we ever victims of a system. Believing prayer takes us through doors we'll never be invited to enter and into judges chambers we'll never grace. Take a look back at Genesis 18 once again with astonishment over the dialogue between God and His servant and friend, Abraham. Rejoice that God is ever mindful of a faithful remnant. The Judge of the Earth will always do right.
*Even if persecution should await believers in Christ or harrowing circumstances hound us, God will use hardship to bring unity and purity to a people who need it desperately. The best of circumstances do not always produce the best in the Bride of Christ.
*The living God is firmly established upon His Throne and there at His holy feet we can always find grace and mercy in our time of need.
*No matter what happens today, we are GOD'S elect. He has elected us to show His heart and to walk in His ways in the culture that surrounds us. We are called to walk in the challenging balance of grace and truth.
May we be filled with Christ's Spirit today and our mouths given to praise and to believing, receiving prayer. God IS faithful and He has us firmly in His hand. We will not fear. We will not doubt. We will not hate.
"Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him, for He shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between His shoulders." Deuteronomy 33:12
I hear the small voice of my youngest son calling me, and it reminds me of my greatest calling, motherhood. That didn't change with the results last night. So I'll ask God for forgiveness for my attitude laced in fear. I'll get dressed and comb my hair. I'll teach the boys that in spite of our differences and disagreements, we are blessed to be Americans, and our hope is not in the future of our nation, but in Christ alone.
I want to stop wondering how people who call themselves Christians can vote in a such a Godless way. I don't want to think anymore about how the Bible says implicitly that we cannot serve God and money, and yet it appears that as an American nation, we have chosen money...or the promise of it.
I want my own attitude and actions to be gracious and reflect the love of Christ but I'm fearful and struggling. I have found some comfort in the words of Beth Moore, written yesterday prior to the election on Living Proof :
*We live in a democracy where we have the right to a vote and a voice. We have the God-given responsibility to use both wisely and in the way that best reflects what God conveys through Scripture.
*God "works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will" and "according to the plan." Ephesians 1:11
*Not only does God work out everything in conformity with His will, He has promised to work out everything for the GOOD of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
*God sets up kings and deposes them and gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. Daniel 2:21
*We, the beautifully diverse family of God, are never - not at any time - powerless. Nor are we ever victims of a system. Believing prayer takes us through doors we'll never be invited to enter and into judges chambers we'll never grace. Take a look back at Genesis 18 once again with astonishment over the dialogue between God and His servant and friend, Abraham. Rejoice that God is ever mindful of a faithful remnant. The Judge of the Earth will always do right.
*Even if persecution should await believers in Christ or harrowing circumstances hound us, God will use hardship to bring unity and purity to a people who need it desperately. The best of circumstances do not always produce the best in the Bride of Christ.
*The living God is firmly established upon His Throne and there at His holy feet we can always find grace and mercy in our time of need.
*No matter what happens today, we are GOD'S elect. He has elected us to show His heart and to walk in His ways in the culture that surrounds us. We are called to walk in the challenging balance of grace and truth.
May we be filled with Christ's Spirit today and our mouths given to praise and to believing, receiving prayer. God IS faithful and He has us firmly in His hand. We will not fear. We will not doubt. We will not hate.
"Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him, for He shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between His shoulders." Deuteronomy 33:12
I hear the small voice of my youngest son calling me, and it reminds me of my greatest calling, motherhood. That didn't change with the results last night. So I'll ask God for forgiveness for my attitude laced in fear. I'll get dressed and comb my hair. I'll teach the boys that in spite of our differences and disagreements, we are blessed to be Americans, and our hope is not in the future of our nation, but in Christ alone.
My mom said that in an ironic and sad sort of way, a President Obama is an answered prayer. She spent quite a bit of time praying that Hillary Clinton wouldn't win! God has an...interesting sense of humor.
Over the next four years, YOU will have far more influence in our boys' lives than would any politician. No king or president wields more power than a godly mother, and I'm so thankful for the place where God enables you to serve. I'm proud of you!
Over the next four years, NO politician will have a greater impact on our boys' lives than will you; no king or president wields more power than a godly mother. I'm so glad that God has graced our home and our lives by allowing us to share these years with you!
I can't say that I agree with "hello Jessi" (nothing personal if you come back and read this Jessi!). I believe very strongly that God did not want Obama to be our President - there is a big difference in what He allows to happen as a result of people who don't want to follow Him and what he wants to happen. I don't believe God wanted Hitler to be the leader and exterminate thousands of Jews and I don't believe God wants Obama to be President and therefore given the power to change the laws to allow abortion to be even more rampant!
What I do believe is that God can work in all situations, even when humans fail...and I believe they have failed greatly to elect the President that was chosen by so many.
If I weren't a Christian though, but still a Republican, I'm very sure I would be much more discouraged...I know my hope is in Christ and I can still hold on to that today and in the coming day!
Did you remove the blog about being tagged? I wasn't sure if my computer wasn't showing it for some reason or if you just decided to remove it.
Mary Ellen, I did remove my post about being tagged. I loved your comment though. Carole doesn't sew much anymore but remain incredibly talented! I also learned about other readers that I didn't know I had (thank-you for reading, if you have checked back!) but...I am interested in knowing more about my readership. It's diverse, I know that but I am having many "hits" a day that are close to home and so if I cannot determine who it is, I will change my blog to an invited readers only or stop blogging altogether.
Twila, Zachary has been the most interested in the election and the principle behind why we choose particular candidates. When the results--although expected--began coming in last night, I went to bed and so did Zachary.
There was so much I wanted to share with the boys today that I just couldn't muster up until this evening.
Here's my jist. Although, we disagree and are severely disappointed with the fact that Obama, was elected and have serious concerns...this was indeed a historical election. Could Abraham Lincoln have forseen this? I wonder. But if you have seen the movie Amazing Grace and watched the way slaves were caged and brought to the United States, the fact that a black man has risen to commander-in-chief-is phenomonal indeed.
But to Christians, I see a great coorelation. We come to Christ as slaves--caged by our own flesh and sinfulness--and yet in freedom through salvation, we have risen to be made heirs. Am I making sense?
You always have a very nice way of saying things. I'm terribly disappointed and fearful in the human sense of what this election has brought but I know that God has everything under control. The future is yet to be determined but God promises that He will not give us more than we can handle.
I celebrated my American freedom yesterday when I voted, my choice did not get chosen. It was definately a historical moment and one that will always be talked about for years to come when Obama was elected President.
And thank you for the update on Bro. Balty. I didn't know about him going into the hospital. So sorry for you all. I'm sure it is hard on David. We will keep all of you in prayer.
Verse 1
O God our Help in ages past
Our Hope for years to come
Our Shelter from the stormy blast
And our eternal Home
Verse 2
Under the shadow of Thy throne
Still may we dwell secure
Sufficient is Thine arm alone
And our defense is sure
Verse 3
Before the hills in order stood
Or earth received her frame
From everlasting Thou art God
To endless years the same
Verse 4
A thousand ages in Thy sight
Are like an evening gone
Short as the watch that ends the night
Before the rising sun
Verse 5
Time like an ever rolling stream
Bears all its sons away
They fly forgotten as a dream
Dies at the op'ning day
Verse 6
O God our Help in ages past
Our Hope for years to come
Be Thou my Guide while life shall last
And our eternal Home