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On The Edge

I've never been a thrill seeker kind of gal so I can't speak from personal experience. But I have seen pictures where the brave-hearted choose to ride horseback on a narrow, jagged and pebble-strewn path while just over the edge is a precipice that could mean certain death. And to their other side is a craggy, rock wall.

That is the best visual picture that I can conjure up of my father-in-law’s health at this moment. He has been running a moderate to low-grade fever off and on over the last couple of days but most alarming—his platelets are 5000. For those of you who don’t know the normal reference for platelets; it is 150,000-300,000. Platelets are the part of the red blood cell that is responsible for the clotting of blood so a platelet count of 5K puts him at risk for spontaneous internal bleeding. His white cell count this morning was 300 (normal would be 3500-10,000). These are the expected results from the assault that chemo has placed on his body.

So, he is "on" the pebble-strewn path physically right now…just a small obstacle could place him in a very dangerous position but if his body can traverse this narrow, dangerous path safely…he will eventually begin to climb UP out of death’s grasp.

Chemo is definitely not for the faint of heart.


Dori Overman said…
THat has to be so hard for all of you. I will add him again to my prayer list.
Jennifer Truitt said…
Hi Amy. As I read your last few post I was moved with compassion and felt your pain. I have set by Andrea's side many days and hours feeling so helpless to do anything about the high fevers she had and wondering if she would live or die. Know this that you all are in our prayers tonight and as God brings your family and especially Don to our memory! It is sometimes hard to see God's hand at work but through the dark hours we have always felt Him near! Wish we were closer so we could be there to help in some way! Love you all! Troy and Jenn Truitt
Twila G. said…
I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you all! I am so sorry.

Isaiah 41:13 NIV "For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear;I will help you."

I am praying that you will feel your hand in God's during this time, that you will feel His Strength, and that you will not fear. May His will be done.
Unknown said…
Oh Jen,

You really do understand all of this, don't you? How is Andrea? I followed your care page until we changed internet providers and lost it. Can you send me the page again?
Anonymous said…
Our thoughts and prayers are with you!
Anonymous said…
Amy....My what a small world! If you don't mind emailing me at, I'd love to know what church you attended, whether or not you went to Stoneboro, etc. I haven't been back for several years, but I imagine that I'll go at least for my daddy's memorial service at conference.
Anonymous said…
Amy...Yes, I got your email, and I responded. Hope you got it! If not, let me know.

Anonymous said…
Amy...I just resent my response to your email! Hope you get it this time, but if not, let me know....

Sandi H said…
We will definitely be praying for all of you, especially your FIL!
Bless you and your family. God has all of you in the palm of his hand...I read that in HIS word. xo rachel
Valerie said…
I know that it is so hard to be watching from the sidelines as your Father-in-law goes thru this dark time, but never fear, he is not alone and neither are you! Knowing that we have and seve a wonderful Heavenly Father, that He is watching over us, such comfort. The words of this song are running thru my head as I am thinking of you this morning - "Why should I feel discouraged...why should the shadows come...why should my heart feel lonely...long for Heaven and home...when Jesus is my constant friend is He...His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me!!!"
jenny said…
We are praying for you all...I'm so thankful you were able to share special memories together on this trip. Your father-in-law sounds like a man of such deep character...his concern for what gifts to buy his wife is so touching. May the light of the resurrection shine brightly on your entire family.
Amanda said…
I am so sorry about your father-in-law. It must be super hard for ya'll to sit by and watch, powerless, except through prayer. We will be lifting ya'll to the Throne of Grace tonight in family devotions.

By the way, no the weather is beautiful here, if you can say 45 deg. is beautiful! ;)

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