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Uninvited Irma Came to Town


Midweek last week, "Irma" became a household name. But, even then if you had told me that she was going to make her way up into northern Georgia, I would have been dubious.  

David and I met at college in south Florida, and still have many dear friends who live in that sweet beach town. So, when we began to see reports that Irma was expected to hit S FL as a cat. 5, we became very concerned.  However, it seemed that with each new hurricane report, Irma was leaning west. And we felt certain that the place so special to us, along with those we love, would be safe. Ultimately, she made landfall in the Keys and hit the northwest coast of Florida pretty badly. She was so enormous though, that even as of this writing, we still have friends on the east coast of Florida without power.  Then she started moving north.  As I understand, this is the first time ever that a tropical depression warning was issued for metro Atlanta.

The local schools were canceled through Wednesday of this week because of such extensive downed wires and trees, even tonight 900,000 Georgia residents are still without power. Today's picture is from my friend's house. She lives about an hour and a half away in Milledgeville, Georgia, but it was pretty typical of what I've seen locally too.  We feel fortunate that we didn't lose power or any trees! 

My dear friend, Sarah, came up from Jacksonville and stayed locally for several days.  How, I've missed her! Facebook reminded me that we've been friends for eight years. Actually, that was shocking--it feels like I've known her much longer. She invited an "inner circle" over to where she was staying and it was such a balm for my soul.  I looked at those faces around the table and knew each of us had a "safe haven" in each other. One of us had a bad, no-good, horrible day and said she didn't want to talk about it.  But, she did and felt better because of it. Saturday Sarah and I hung out at a local park so her littles could play and Saturday evening we celebrated friendship and impending autumn with a pumpkin spice latte.  Such sweet times in the midst of turbulence. But, that's a post for another day.


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