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It's Grocery Pick-up Day!

Waiting for my groceries!

My name is Amy and I've been ordering groceries online for over a year now.  
There, I said it. 
I've seen discussion about it on Facebook from time-to-time and just trolled through, but kept mum that I was also a participant.
 I felt so embarrassed.  

 The voices in my head were so shaming. 
 Not those kind of voices! 
The kind that say if I were a better mom, a better wife, a better planner... 
 If I had it together, I could get my menu made and food shopping done in a timely matter...
Those kinds of voices.

In a previous post, I talked about how I finally conquered the menu planning
But still, I would procrastinate shopping.
 Because frankly, I just hate it. 
 Then I heard about the Wal-Mart grocery pick-up service.
 It's free and super easy to use! 
You just log into this page and set up an account.
Then, you have access to almost all of the same number of grocery items that you find on the shelves! 

I can shop in pajamas from the comfort of my home. Cue voices that say, "lazy, lazy, lazy." 

  I make my menu on Thursday, order my groceries, and I pick-up every Friday.

Did I mention that they load it in my van for me too?

 Not only do I like avoiding the long line at the check out counter but, I like the fact that I only purchase what's on my list generated by Plan to Eat, and I can see my running total as I'm putting things in my online cart. 

The guys and gals that do the personal shopping are fantastic. They are always courteous. And, if I have to wait more than just a few minutes, they come out and offer water.
 I've never had them forget to fill an item. And, If they need to substitute, it's always in the benefit of the customer. 

Today in celebration of their 1000th store for grocery pick-up, I got a $5.00 coupon for next week! 

So, I've been picking up my groceries for a year now and all in all, I love their service!  It has helped me to be more responsible about shopping in a timely manner!  I've never been a fan of the produce from there so I just go to Kroger for my fresh veggies, but it's a super quick trip!

I know that there are other stores now that are beginning to offer the service. In fact, some of my friends are using Shipt, a service that shops and delivers!  As far as I can tell, they have a monthly fee to use the service, but delivery orders over $35.00 are free. But, there is a two week free trial. I may just give it a whirl and compare! 


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